
Lundy Way started as a passion project out of my love for this industry. Like many industry people out there, the kitchen is my second home - sometimes even my first. So when it came time to naming this very personal project, it was clear that it would be named after the street I grew up on in Pacifica, CA.
My love for aprons started during culinary school. I became fascinated with them because it represented so much; it was my body armor during class and later on, during service. I wanted to keep it as clean as possible to show that I controlled the food and it didn’t control me. I wanted to wear it as much as I could – on the way to work and the drive home...I was just so addicted to this industry. An apron symbolized that strong force. I knew I couldn’t be the only one that had this special bond; others in this industry must feel that same nostalgic feeling. It’s really some magical stuff.
With over a decade of industry experience, my team and I are able to consider all of the kitchen trials and tribulations when designing aprons. From 18 hour days, hot plates, stains, and going to the dining room to present plates - we know you’ve got to be ready for it all. We’ve got you covered (literally). Our aprons provide full coverage and are durable, lightweight, simple and straight to the point – making it an essential in the professional or home test kitchen.
Our aprons are community focused. They are made right here in San Francisco and the materials come from across America. Affordability will always be a goal of ours as we want the chefs and cooks out there to be able to buy something of quality that is made in the USA and most importantly, feel inspired wearing it.
Lundy Way is everything I’m sincere about in this industry, materialized as an apron. My favorite part of this whole journey is meeting and talking to prep cooks, line cooks, chefs, owners of restaurants, purchasers, and anyone else that has this fiery passion for food. A passion that creates an unbreakable bond with people across the world. So bond with us – join the family or just drop me a note – I’d love to hear from you.
Welcome home. This is Lundy Way.
- Renan [ren-in]
Photography by: Jim Sullivan & Ignacio Enrique. Check out more of their incredible work by clicking on their names.